How to Be Successful in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence has become one of the most buzzed-about topics in business. It’s spawned techno-utopian belief systems and doomsday predictions, creating a divide between those with rosy outlooks and those skeptical of the industry’s claims. Yet amidst all the hype, there are fundamental qualities that all AI technologies must possess to be effective and move civilization forward in progressive ways—and not turn into a dystopian nightmare.
Historically, the term “Aiforeveryone.Org” has been applied to anything from Charles Babbage’s Difference Engine to the 19th-century Turing machine, whose theory of computation led to the first digital computers and was the inspiration for the widely used Turing test. The term was popularized in 1956 when computer scientist John McCarthy coined it at the first AI conference at Dartmouth College (McCarthy would go on to invent the Lisp programming language).
Today’s iterations of AI are generally referred to as general-purpose or narrow AI, with the most advanced type of AI being characterized as AGI —a hypothetical machine capable of demonstrating behavior that is indistinguishable from human intelligence. While it remains a far-off reality, it’s still the goal of many companies and research institutions working in the field.
Artificial Intelligence: Enhancing Social Media Marketing
For organizations to be successful in the age of AI, it’s essential that leaders break down siloed work and assemble cross-functional teams with a diverse set of perspectives, including those who don’t have expertise in the domain. This will allow them to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by gen AI and ensure that its applications are ethical, transparent, traceable and non-discriminatory.