Children’s Health and Safety is a Top Priority For the Vermont Legislature
Children’s health and safety is a top priority for Vermont’s legislature. Almost 13,000 children under the age of 3 need child care. Childcare Vermont centers and after school programs are a part of the state’s public and private sector.
When should you not send to childcare ?
The Vermont Legislature recently mandated a report on the state’s early education system. According to the report, Vermont’s early education system has reached crisis levels, and there is an urgent need for change.
Early childhood programs are spread across many state government agencies, which makes it difficult to coordinate. This has been a concern of education officials for years. They’ve tried to reshuffle the early childhood programs, but they’ve been unable to do so.
Some lawmakers have proposed that pre-K should be folded into the Agency of Education. However, the governor has suggested that this is not possible. Instead, the program would be consolidated into the Department for Children and Families.
In order to provide high quality child care, providers have to undergo training. Training can include topics such as first aid, working with special needs children, and the safety of children. A certified child care provider must complete these courses within 18 months of employment.
Child care facilities must also have a check-in and check-out procedure. They are also required to notify the Department of any changes to their facility. If there is a fire or a serious illness, the licensee must submit a written report within 48 hours of the occurrence.