Thailand Gaming Market
Among ASEAN countries, Thailand is the second largest gaming market. The market is expected to earn over $1 billion by 2020. The Thai government is promoting the sector through its Digital Economy Promotion Agency. The Digital Economy Promotion Agency’s mission is to accelerate digital growth in Thailand.
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The Thailand Gaming Market is expected to grow 10 percent in 2021. The Thai government expects the gaming market to earn over $597 million in 2017, and by 2025 the gaming market is projected to earn over $2 billion.
The gaming industry in Thailand has been growing quickly, and the Thai government supports the industry through its Digital Economy Promotion Agency. Gaming is now a major part of the country’s entertainment. Gaming is an integral part of Thai culture. It is a way for people to relax and enjoy themselves. ค้นหาได้จาก https:/ now
The i-dac Bangkok survey found that Thai gamers enjoy role playing, simulation games, and adventure games. They also like challenges. They spend most of their money on in-game products, such as virtual goods and playable characters.
In Thailand, 84% of gamers play PC games, while 64% play on consoles. In addition to these two platforms, mobile gaming is also a major player. Approximately 95% of gamers play on mobile devices.
The popularity of electronic games will grow, and tournaments will be held in several cities. These tournaments will boost the electronic games industry, and related businesses.
Among the most popular local games are Home Sweet Home, Project Nimbus, Fallen Knight, and So Many Me. Some international gaming operators are cautious about the Thailand market, but the industry is expected to grow significantly in the future.