Netball Court Specialists
Netball Court Specialists is a high-intensity intermittent sport, typically played for 60 minutes over four 15 min quarters. It is played on a variety of playing surfaces and requires the ability to change pace, direction and position rapidly. It is a team game with seven players in defined court positions.
During this study, all players were classified into their positional group (Goaler, Defender and Midcourter) for the purposes of analysing player workload data; however, most athletes played more than one court-position during a full season. Therefore, comparisons between practice and competition match-play are not directly comparable, but may still serve to highlight important differences in training demands between these two environments.
Netball Court Safety: What You Need to Know
The quality of video footage available to coaches for analysis can have a significant impact on the coaching and performance of players in this sport. Availability of camera equipment and personnel can vary from fully equipped setups with multiple angles and suitable vantage points to compromised systems that are used solely for record purposes.
Choosing the right shoes to play Netball is an essential part of the preparation for the sport, especially for those who specialize in midcourt or center-court roles which require agility and pinpoint changes in direction. Using a specialist netball shoe will provide you with the support and comfort required to help reduce foot and knee stress, particularly when running around the court at high intensity.